by puja kedia
Travelogues by Puja
Nothing can beat the liberating feeling you get when you land on a new place with a few things in your backpack, free schedule to explore sights and tastes. This is my diary of seamless exposures, experiencing new places, feeling alive and documenting cultures (and ofcourse starring in them!) because a professional photographer is never on vacation!
Indie, Pop, Rock, Jazz, Blues! I (Me and my new GoPro) was there witnessing it all this weekend at the NH7 Pune last weekend... Have a look
Peek a boo!! i L-O-V-E my work!
And I have no shame in flaunting how my travel diary looks after being at Samode Palace for this last Palace Wedding i documented in Jaipur :P
I needed vitamin SEA and so get set go Maldives!
*sunglasses on*
This is how my vacation looked like (#phonephotography only!)
Staycation Calling...
A tiny haven away from the rest of the world with acres of lush green farmlands and far and wide scenic beauty is just the kind of break I needed and to say no more I just got one :)