Author-Reader Meet

Authors Are Rockstars.

When we invited Dr. Indira Nityanandam we did not have even the slightest idea of what a big treat we were in for. We had expected an Author-Meet-The-Reader meet... and we were so wrong !!! Within few minutes from the start... the Audience became aware that her writing doesn't limit to her being an author and writing down her mind and heart... but she also writes about other authors and at the same time she is a Translator who efficiently knows playing over different languages... and this helped the listeners to get acquainted to not just one but many authors!

Event – Author-Reader Meet with Dr Indira Nityanandam

Organizers – Bookoholics Group (Surat)

Venue – San ChurrosMust

Visit for – Book Lovers, Bibliophiles, Writers

The Setting. Bookoholics with Dr Indira
The Setting. Bookoholics with Dr Indira
The Setting. Bookoholics with Dr Indira
The Setting. Bookoholics with Dr Indira

Dr. Indira started off, by reading to us two of the pieces she had written. One about her mother and the other about her motherland. And it goes without saying. People were spellbound! So was I.

Bookoholics with Dr. Indira
Bookoholics with Dr. Indira
Bookoholics with Dr. Indira
Bookoholics with Dr. Indira

This was followed by one of the most interesting talks we have ever had at Bookoholics... She one by one introduced authors on Indian origin writing in English, briefly describing their writing styles vis a vis the style of writing in their particular era. This was an absolute feast for any book lover. Following are a few pictures of Dr. Indira in action -

Dr Indira with Bookoholics
Dr Indira with Bookoholics
Dr Indira with Bookoholics
Dr Indira with Bookoholics
Dr Indira with Bookoholics
Dr Indira with Bookoholics

I personally was literally spell bound and was in absolute awe like a small kid in the wonderland. Through sessions like these one gets an absolutely new insight into authors and styles of writing and it ultimately results in reading becoming an all the more pleasurable experience. Dr. Indira continued to just baffle us with her oratory skills and the knowledge at her command. Following are a few photos from the audience listening with rapt attention -

Dr Indira with Bookoholics
Dr Indira with Bookoholics
Dr Indira with Bookoholics
Dr Indira with Bookoholics
Dr Indira with Bookoholics
Dr Indira with Bookoholics
Dr Indira with Bookoholics
Dr Indira with Bookoholics
Dr Indira with Bookoholics
Dr Indira with Bookoholics

The talk was followed by an interactive session with Dr. Indira -

Interactive Session with Dr. Indira
Interactive Session with Dr. Indira
Interactive Session with Dr. Indira
Interactive Session with Dr. Indira
Interactive Session with Dr. Indira
Interactive Session with Dr. Indira

The customary group picture -

Dr Indira with Bookoholics
Dr Indira with Bookoholics

If you were present at the talk please take out 5 minutes and write about your experience of the meet in the comment section below.

Thank You !!!