Surti Lalas

The @paanipuri_lover

On One Of The Many Benches
On One Of The Many Benches

Did you notice the girl standing next to you relishing a paanipuri the last time you went to your favorite chaat stall... Did you notice a girl sitting on one of the many benches of joggers track just watching people pass by...

Or did you notice the girl sitting at the last bench of the CA classes... dreamy eyed... and CONFUSED written all over her face... did you notice a girl all by herself, lost in the jungle of books at the Narmad Library and loving every moment of it !!!

Lost in the World of Books
Lost in the World of Books

'K' as she likes to call herself on twitter could have been any of those girls. The perfect girl-next-door... BUT WAIT !!! She is more than that !!! She is the #MostFollowedSurtiOnTwitter !!!

For our next feature we caught up with @paanipuri_lover (her twitter handle) and asked her about HER @LifeInSurat :)

Name: Khushboo [This is all we are allowed to reveal] Twitter Handle: @paanipuri_lover Trademarks on Twitter: JeeHaan !!! Claim to Fame: 1. Highest No. Of Followers On Twitter (in Surat) 2. A blog that is almost dead, but is still a part of her.


The first question we put infront of her - Why be anonymous on twitter ??? To which she says - "Just one reason... relatives !!! They find you... dont you have enough of them on Facebook already !!!" Fair enough we think... so this "going-to-be-nineteen" has highest no. of followers on twitter and that too without revealing publicly who she is !!!!! Super... isn't it...

Anonymous On Twitter
Anonymous On Twitter

This born and brought up in Surat feels the @LifeInSurat somewhere, is as good as a metro yet it doesn’t lose the earthy, warm spirit. And Surti to her is A person majorly involved in committing one sin : gluttony.

The @LifeInSurat
The @LifeInSurat

Change she has seen taking place over the years in the @LifeInSurat are more like growth, than changes she feels. "People have opened up and accepted many major lifestyle changes. It can be seen with the increase in number of brands and labels. " she says.

Old and The New @LifeInSurat
Old and The New @LifeInSurat

On asking what is the one thing she would like to change about Surat she mentioned Better colleges, BETTER COLLEGE LIFE !!! more options to pursue further education and a Crossword or Landmark. On probing more about her 'college life' she says - "Either the students join their fathers’ business and enroll themselves in college just for a degree, or get registered for some professional course. Also, colleges here are very lenient with the attendance. And as seen in the movies, it is nothing like that. Colleges look more like deserted buildings here."


For now her favorite hangouts (for all you stalkers) are Narmad library and her CA classes. Normally, food joints and parks. Also, the selective bookstores we have here.


Best description for her @LifeInSurat would be -

Slow, steady, pretty interesting. Includes a lot of food. Then, its how an individual decides to live it.

Her @LifeInSurat
Her @LifeInSurat

We really had fun talking to her... And we did not have a single more than 5 second gap in the conversation (spanning around 3 hours) with her around. A super good company. From a girl who started with the twitter handle just to follow Amitabh Bachchan to The @paanipuri_lover she is now... she has come a long way. Hoping to keep "following" her and her @LifeInSurat.
